
The Beagle Family Reunion was held on Sunday, July 28, 2019, at Knoebel's Amusement Resort, a.k.a. "The Park".  This was the 31st Reunion and the 179th year of our family.   We had approx. 80 family members in attendance.  Thanks to all who attended and volunteered for committees. 

Please note, We will be at Knoebel's again this year but our start time has changed. We will now be Starting at 10am! We will start with the family Meeting and then our Chinese Auction, Followed by our meal. Afterward all who are interested can go into the Park and enjoy the rides, games, and food, if you're so inclined or remain at the Pavilion for chatting, or just social time with the rest of the family. Please Note: Ride Tickets Are On Your Own!     

The next Beagle Family Reunion will be held on Sunday, July 26, 2020.   We need you to contact other family members to help increase our turn out.  We also need recipes and short annecdotes or stories of older family members to add to a cookbook we are having published.  You can email the stories and recipes to either of the two following addresses- webmaster at 2beagles dot com and beaglereunion at 2beagles dot com We are still looking to publish the cookbook. We have formed committees for the reunion, if you would like to be part of one, please let us know.  Also we have a page up on facebook,  you can go there to see some of the pictures.  It's Beagle Family Reunion.  Here's the link, Beagle Family Reunion       Check it out and friend us to keep updated.

Please bring a covered dish, table setting, memorabilia, something for the auction, and lawn chairs. Please try and have as many from your family here for the photo.  Many of our dear loved ones have passed on and we would like to try and remember as many as possible through the photos. 

This year we hope to see many new and familiar faces, if you have ideas for questions please email them to the above address. 
Dinner starts at 12:00p with Karl officiating the opening ceremony.  

If you need more information or directions you can email us at more info  and we will get back to you with the requested information or directions , map 2 ,  for a map of how to get there.

Come on down, have fun, and stay awhile!



Photos (Some added, more coming!)

Upcoming Reunion Dates

What's Happening at the Reunion

Past Reunion Notes





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